Hi everyone thank you for your support, I was able to add new cash envelopes to the shop, these are travel cash envelopes and Home Sinking funds ! Amazing ! I truly love them they came out beautiful. This was an email that I sent out regarding the shop update. Christina xo
Shop update - Hi friends, new Travel envelopes & Home Sinking fund envelopes have arrived. I am very excited to release these new items to you. I am so excited to share that the binders will be here today, slots are open, use your code TUESDAY20 to save. Sale will be for Wednesday too, since it's my oldest daughters birthday ! And saving challenge binders have been added to the shop as well as new white envelopes !! I thank you for your continued support.
xo, Christina
Travel Cash Envelopes
Home Sinking Funds
These are the saving challenge binders ! They are listed as $1k, $2k, $3k, $5k, $10k NEW saving challenge inserts will be here soon.
Below are the Finance Start Pack - 6 frosted dividers, set of monthly overview on 2 pages July - December, and 13 budget inserts. This is a great way for someone that may be new and want to start the cash envelopes and have a few inserts as well ! Hope you love everything.
Finance Tip - one of my eye openers was doing the highlighter method. Print your bank statement for 1-2 months and grab 3 different colors, and highlight one for eating out, and one for grocery runs, and one for Target runs or online. I couldn't believe how much I was spending !! Try it out. Check out a mock pic below.
Thank you, Christina xo
Finance Inserts Starter Pack
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