Cash Envelopes available now in my shop! If you are looking at a better way to budget your money, using cash envelopes is the perfect way to stay on track and know what your spending and where. You have the option to purchase blank, or pre made, list is below. It has a nice aesthetic look where you can feel confident in your daily routines,
Straight font - we have script being professionally made.
Christina Loves Planning! ✨💖
Hey friend! I’m so happy you’re here! At Christina Loves Planning, we believe that budgeting is more than just numbers—it’s about freedom, self-care, and creating a life you love. Whether you're just starting your financial journey or you're a budgeting pro, we have everything you need to stay organized, motivated, and inspired—from budget planners and cash envelopes to savings challenges and accessories.
Take a look around, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Let’s make budgeting fun, stress-free, and empowering together. 💕
Happy budgeting!
– Christina 💸✨